Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE) involves researching, designing, developing, and testing electronic equipment used in various systems. Electronics and Communications engineers also conceptualize and oversee the manufacturing of communications and broadcast systems. This stream of engineering deals with analog transmission, basic electronics, microprocessors, solid-state devices, digital and analog communication, analog integrated circuits, microwave engineering, satellite communication, antennae, and wave progression. It also deals with the manufacturing of electronic devices, circuits, and communications equipment.

The Electronics and Communication Engineering are gaining importance in all works of life. The advancements and technological innovations in electronics are felt in area as diverse as commercial communications, medicine and defence.

The department places strong emphasis on fundamentals, so that the student is introduced to complex subjects in an interesting and easy manner. The Department imparts technical knowledge in the areas of Semiconductor devices, Design of Electronic circuits, Communication engg., Television engg, Satellite communication, Optical communication, Computer hardware interface and Biomedical instrumentation.

ME (Applied Electronics) is a PG course in electrical engineering that is made to serve the applicants with more knowledge about the oscillators, junctions, how power systems work, and so much more. The course is for 2 years which is then divided into 4 semesters.

This course offers a comprehensive, in-depth study of the working of electrical systems in multiple gadgets and how they can be controlled in order to keep up with the demand of the markets. The course curriculum offers a broad perspective about all the electrical components which gives students an opportunity to then choose their area of preference and progress their careers with that in mind. Following are some of the topics that the applicants can expect to study in their curriculum:

  • In-depth study of physics, chemistry and applied mathematics

  • Design of the digital aspects of the power systems

  • Research and Development

  • Integrated circuits and so on.