The primary job of an Aeronautical Engineer is to devise aircraft and propulsion systems, but with time, the engineer is given many more responsibilities to carry out. Recruitment opportunities are available in defence services and aviation industry.

  • To pursue a course in Aeronautical engineering, students must have studied physics and mathematics in school. Courses in aeronautics prepare candidates for jobs in the field of aerospace and aviation.

  • Classes in these fields are typically part of an undergraduate or graduate degree program. Aeronautical courses are available at undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctorate level

  • These courses help candidates in becoming air traffic controllers and maintenance technician as they get hands-on experience on aircraft manufacturing, mechanics, and engineering.

  • Aeronautical Engineering being a technical skill requires professional with keep observation and strong calculative skills.

The only college in the region to house the Aeronautical Department with state of the art laboratory facilities. We have ensured that our students get the environment to learn not just theoretically but also have hands-on experience from HAL - Bangalore. Every year, our Final year students do their project work at HAL to experience the real world. Our students get to experience the best lab facilities in the region with hand-on training and excellent faculty development.